Polarization is the only News?

I would like to briefly start with a definition of polarization.  What I am using comes directly from Oxford Dictionaries.  The first copied entry should be fine as it states . . .

  • division into two sharply contrasting groups or sets of opinions or beliefs:¹

When applying this to news streams, it basically means that there are only two types of beliefs.  It is an absolute position.  It is binary state (on or off; yes or no).  It allows for little variance.  

This is a complex issue that the country is waking up to, but the solutions are simple.  We need to add creativity, variance, and uniqueness to our approach to dealing with news stories.  We need to find commonality and original thought on a variety of issues.  Gun Violence, Black Lives Matter, and Global Warming are just a few of the hundreds of topics that are being polarized. 

The good versus bad process is damaging creativity and new solutions.  I think Yoda² told us “only a Sith deals in absolutes.” When #absolutelylearning I find that we need to fail big, rebuild, adjust, listen, and be creative. We are more than just a yes and no company.  Let us know your thoughts and goals, and we can define a world that meets those needs.  Notice that our name is an adverb that describes a verb.  It is how we do things and what we accomplish that is our end goal.  

I would like to leave you with two wonderful videos from “The Center for Humane Technology”.  It is an organization dedicated to inform you about the ways in which giant tech companies are targeting you based upon this binary way of thinking.  They are tapping into your basic desire of simplifying the world and you are being drawn to the internet quickly and repetitively to voice a side.  I don’t explain the entire process well, but the founding director sure does.  Please check out Tristan Harris, a former Google Design Enthusiast, and see what he is saying about polarization.  

Center for Humane Technology. “Tristan Harris – Congressional Hearing January 8, 2020 – Statement Plus Highlights.” YouTube, 23 Jan. 2020, https://youtu.be/LUNErhONqCY.

Orlowski, Jeff. “the social dilemma”. Netflix, 27 Aug, 2020, https://youtu.be/uaaC57tcci0.

1 This is taken from a Google Search that is powered by the Oxford Dictionaries. https://languages.oup.com/   

2 To learn more about Yoda please visit wikipedia at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoda where you will find great philosophical writings.